The Story of Selva

Tapioca pancakes is the heart of SELVA – and we take pride in making the best Tapioca’s for our guests. We love to tell You stories about the great food of Brazil and therefore Tapioca is our main focus.

Cause Brazil is more than samba, and football it has a great, great scene of street food and Tapioca’s is probably the most important. In Brazil we enjoy them all day, - for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just as a snack! It has a great history, back to the original indigenous people of the Amazon. They were the first to discover the Cassava root and all its benefits for nutrition and ways to prepare several different meals from one root. Yes, - Tapioca’s is just one of many things you can prepare from a Cassava root, or you might know it as a Yuca as they call it in Africa.

It’s a complete gluten free root, so all the Tapiocas in Selva is without gluten. In addition, it contains plenty of C-vitamin and is very good for Your digestive system. Every Morning in Selva we prepare freshly grated flour from Cassava roots and combine them with fillings carefully selected from the best of both the Nordic and Brazilian kitchen.

We always serve them with lots of love and a great salad on the side.


Give us a call! +45 42 43 89 83

Opening Hours

MONDAY TO SATURDAY: 11:00 – 21:00
SUNDAY: 11:00 - 16:00

Selva Catering

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Check out our Selva Catering Menu and give us a call or e-mail!

Menu changes by season demand and Your wishes!